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The Filmmaker









After getting up in the morning, you take a shower and get

ready for the day, following your usual routine.  In the mailbox, you discover an unusual envelope from the Carson Stiles Gateway Theater.  Odd, considering that, as far as you knew, the theater had been closed, shut down following the controversy that surrounded it years ago.

The Carson Stiles Gateway Theater was built in the 1930s.  Originally designed to host live plays and musicals, the theater

had been struggling financially for a number of years.  Then an enigmatic filmmaker named Claude Ferucil arrived and offered to provide the theater - on the verge of closure - exclusive rights to his films, made to resemble classic black-and-white pictures from the early days of cinema.  An eternal movie buff, you had been a huge fan of those films, and you were not alone; the theater

seats were filled nightly, and the theater's profits soared.




Then tragedy occurred.  The theater's entire staff had been gruesomely murdered, supposedly by the owner himself, who then took his own life.  It had been a shame, too.  The theater was closed and filmmaker Claude Ferucil disappeared.

You open the envelope.  Inside is a letter telling you about the grand premiere of a new Claude Ferucil film, titled Primal AtmosFear.  Included are two tickets to the event.  Excited, you

call your best friend to tell him about the movie.  The two of you agree to go to opening night, where you will return to the Carson Stiles Gateway Theater for the first time in years.

The Filmmaker 1
The Filmmaker 2
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